General practitioner
During office hours call our emergency line 030-2318110 -Press 1
Evening and weekends: 088-130 96 70
for the doctors post located on Burgemeester Fockema Andreaelaan 60, 3582 KT Utrecht
Always call ahead for the doctors post to book an appointment. The assistants there will ask questions to determine the urgency of your complaints.
On Tuesdays ,Wednesdays and Thursdays we have an evening hour till 18:30. We also have an early morning hour from 7.00 on Wednesday. We do not have a walk-in hour, it is necessary to book an appointment first by phone (030-2318110) or online. You can reach us by phone between 8:00 and 17:00. The assistent is present at the practice between 8.00 and 17.00.
Dear international,
Healthcare providers in Utrecht are conducting a survey on the experiences of internationals with healthcare services in Utrecht region. This survey is conducted in cooperation with Healthcare for internationals (
We invite you to participate in this anonymous survey, that can be found here:
It will take about 5-10 minutes of your time. The results of this survey will be published early next year. From the results of the survey we expect to learn to what extent our healthcare services are meeting the needs of internationals.
Thank you very much for your participation.
Contact details and practice hours
Catharijnesingel 64
3511 GK Utrecht
Phone: 030-2318110 (press 9 for English)
In the afternoon between 12.30 and 1.30 pm we can only be reached by telephone for emergencies.
Monday | 08:00 – 17:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 – 18:30 |
Wednesday | 07:00 – 18:30 |
Thursday | 08:00 – 18:30 |
Friday | 08:00 – 17:00 |
Coming to a different country and not being able to express yourself as well as you could at home, can be hard. Especially when it comes to your health. The general practitioners of Utrecht aim to answer the needs and questions of internationals
Read more about the Dutch healthcare system and for the German people
In our practice we see more and more international clients/patients. Because we want to inform them properly, we would like to introduce you to
What you can find at
- Health information in English
- Reliable and up-to-date information on the most common health issues
- How to be better prepared for your GP visit
- Tips on what you can do yourself if you feel unwell
- Information about the healthcare system in the Netherlands
All medical information is based on scientific guidelines of general practitioners and medical specialists and guidelines for mental health issues.
Latest news
About us
Our team consists of six general practitioners, seven doctor’s assistants, three practice nurses, a diabetes nurse, a geriatric nurse, a dietician and a doctor in training.
Our General practitioners are:
Mw. L.K. Goossens
Mw. I.A.M. Groenewegen
Mw. F. Kaasenbrood
Mr. R. van Veenen
Mw. M. Weenen
Our doctor’s assistants
You can see our doctor’s assistants for:
– the removal of stitches
– wart treatment with liquid nitrogen
– STD testing
– diabetes check-up
– injections and vaccinations
– ear syringing
– pap smears
– Ankel Index
– arrhythmia test (holter)
Practice nurses
Our practice nurses for somatic complaints are Arnica Bosma, Hannie Ales, Stèphanie van der Aa and Elsa van Milligen. Their specializations are:
– Guidance with quitting smoking
– COPD and asthma
– Preventing Heart- and vascular disease
Arnica Bosma is our geriatric nurse. For many elderly autonomy plays an important role in their well-being. One of the conditions for autonomy is good physical health. Our geriatric nurse will, if requested by your general practitioner, visit elderly patients that often have more than one chronic complaint. She will signal and inventory present and future problems that stand in the way of that autonomy and the possibility to live at home for as long as possible. And will, together with other healthcare providers, assist in and coordinate the care you receive.
Practice nurse mental health Tjitske Kos en Maarten Nieland can help with:
– depressive complaints
– sleep disorders
– coping with loss
– relation problems
– anxiety
– stress related complaints